
Radiology Studies  
Images Are From My Own Tests

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Sitz Marker Study - GI Study
Defecography - GI Study

TMJ Jaw Joint Replacements CT Scan

For more of my TMJ story, see me TMJ/Jaw Page

CT with Contrast Front View of Head 2014. This is 7 years after my TMJ joint replacement surgery and only 3 months before I have a second even larger jaw surgery. You can see that one jaw joint is lower than the other compared to the grid lines across the image. I started to have problems chewing on one side as it would torque or wrench the other lower joint open. This caused a lot of pain and i just started chewing on one side of my mouth. 

CT with Contrast Side Head View 2014. You can clearly see the screw holes on this side view. They are the darker spots on the lower jaw joint replacement. 


Sitz Marker Study…

What is it? "A Sitz Marker Study is most often used with patients who are suffering from chronic constipation, for example less than two bowel movements per week."

My Experience: The Sitz Marker Study is was confirmed I had Colonic Inertia.  I had one done years ago but I could not wait the full 5 days the test takes to complete, without preforming an enema. My bowels had gotten so bad that I was unable to have a BM without taking daily laxatives.

This time (2011) I made sure to do a good cleanse before beginning the study; that way I could go 5 days  without having a BM. See below for photos of my own personal Sitz Marker Study

This is day 5 of the study and all markers are still in my gut. The are the tinny around light areas. If you notice a mark in the upper left side of the photo (my right side on the X-ray) That is my Gallbladder clip form 2004.
Closer up to my pelvis; you can see my hip joints sockets that are just below the words "Day 5" and "LT".  See next photo where I marked a few Sitz markers & Hip Joints...

Notice how the Sitz Markers are not caught in my low rectum area. This means the problem blocking my bowels isn't what’s known as Outlet Dysfunction, which is where your rectum or anus is too tight and/or you can’t relax to allow stool pass on out. 

Side Note: I will be talking more about Outlet Dysfunction on another page; as I developed it after GI surgery. Stay tuned for that blog…

Defecography Study...

"Defecography (also known as proctography, defecating/defecation proctography, evacuating/evacuation proctography or dynamic rectal examination)"

Still working on, sorry (last updated 2-15-16) 

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