Pelvic Floor Pain

Topic: I will share my experience as I go through a Coccyx Ganglion Impar Block and Pelvic Floor Therapy (PT). I will take you on my journey and will write the bad, good, painful, and embarrassing moments as I live them.

I have battled pelvic floor pain for years and have found that there is not a lot of information out there to help people with these kinds’ issues. That is why I want to start this blog. Two days ago I had a nerve block in my coccyx that is known as a Ganglion Impar Block. My doctors think that this could help my Anti Leavater Syndrome; along with other pelvic and coccyx pain. I have done pelvic floor therapy (PT) in the past, with little help. Now that I have had a few bowel problems fixed; I’m hopeful that a combination Pelvic Floor PT and the Ganglion nerve block will work. (I will go over my bowel surgeries on another page in this blog).   I will also answer any question you have on my other conditions and the treatments I have or had…


Coccyx Ganglion Impar Block Performed by Dr. Grose SLC Utah 

Date Feb 8th 2016

Note: This account was written in a note pad on Feb. 8th 2016 as things happened. However I did get it post until Feb 11th)

Morning of Surgery: 
I went into the hospital at 8:45 am on 2-8-16 to have the coccyx Ganglion Impar Block performed by Dr. Grose. Due to my many health problems they wanted to sedate me in the hospital instead of in office. They took be back at 10am and the whole thing only took 35 minutes!

When I woke-up Dr. Grose wanted me to sit up and bounce my tailbone on the bed. I was not really wanting to, but I finally did it and the Charley-horse bad pain in my coccyx was gone! Dr. Grose said I will be numb for a few hours and might have a hard time peeing for 3 more hours. I was so amazed the pain was gone I bounced a few more times!

1st Hour
Peeing was hard to do without some kind of water running. What really shocked me was I was able to pass a little gas & bowel movement (BM). Normally my Ani Levator Syndrome/spasm is so bad that I can't pass anything this time of day.  Once I got home I laid down for 3 hours and took a muscle relaxer.

7 Hours:
Have pain, but not where I though I would have it. There are phantom pains in the pelvic region around vaginal opening; but more like the bones hurt. It was kind of like I had been riding a bike and slipped and hit down there on the bikes cross bar (yes that hurts women too) or maybe I road a horse too long.

12 Hours
Was still numb at tail bone site and able to pass gas without much effort, which is a big change. Normally, this time of day they only way to pass gas is to put my bum in the air and let gravity help.

Note: I was told to take it easy for the next 48 hours and to ice the area for the next 24hrs. I left the hospital with a band aid in a very discrete place and was told to keep it on for 24 hours. (I was not in a bid hurry to rip that band aid off if you know what I mean). Over all I didn't need much more pain meds then I was taking before surgery. Sleeping with a heating pad around my low bad felt good and helped with pain.

More info to come... 

1 comment:

  1. How are you doing so far? any improvements or problems? thanks
